Small animal practice in Brunnen

Welcome to our general veterinary practice with adjoining clinic area, where your pet's well-being, dignity and health are our top priority. Even in emergencies.

Empathy, expertise and professionalism are our long-standing strengths. It is very important to us that the time required for this belongs to your pet. We are committed to this.


Anfangs August haben Leana Küttel und Svea Schelbert ihre Ausbildung zur tiermedizinischen Praxisassistentin bei uns begonnen.

Wir wünschen ihnen eine spannende und lehrreiche Zeit.

Opening hours

We are there for you and your animals

«English pointers are my passion. The combination of performance, health and beauty never ceases to inspire me. I can realize my dream by breeding my own dogs.»

Daniela Staubli